Implementation of the MIMO Digital Communication System

This project was developed for the Engineering Project II course taught in the second semester at the Faculty of Computing and Telecommunications of the Federal University of Pará. The objective of this project is to develop a C library containing functions that implement matrix operations. The resulting library will be used to implement a Multiple-in, Multiple-out (MIMO) Digital Communication System in C language. The system to be implemented is described in the image below:


Access source code: https://github.com/lasseufpa/c_mimo


Here you can find all implemented functions documented. The documentation provides detailed descriptions of each function, including their purpose, parameters and return values. It serves as a comprehensive guide for developers to understand and utilize the library effectively.

Results Analysis

When running a simulation, the function generate_statistics generate a output.csv containing statistics from the tests, such as the test number, number of receiving antennas ($N_r$), number of transmitting antennas ($N_t$), SER (Symbol Error Rate), BER (Bit Error Rate), SNR (Signal-Noise Ratio), EVM (Error Vector Magnitude), and channel capacity.

Visualizations of these statistics can be viewed in the local Jupyter notebook or in Google Colab

